Hi guys,
Today we have been doing a pancake story. This story is kinda like the meatball story by Andy Griffins. We needed 5 actions in this story, So here is mine!
Please tell me what you think about it and what I should have added.
Hey guys!
Today we had to make a summary on a digital tool, such as Google slides, Animaker, Screencastify etc.
We also needed a picture for each point and six main points. I tryed to use Animaker but It was to hard. But I'm still working on it! Anyway I used Slides! So here it is!
Hey guys its me Kezia (Kenzie),
Today i am going to be showing you my reading work. Because Mr william said so. Anywayss We did 3 blooms tasks this week and I am going to be showing you my machine. (NIB) Please give me what you think about it. So here it is! :) Alright Bye!!!
Heys guys its me Kezia.
Today I am going to be showing you guys what I have been improving sentences in writing.
The real Sentences was "The great ship sailed majestically until the strange captain rode into a nice wave and got everyone wet"
So here it is, please tell me what words you like in this sentence.